Our Projects


Our 'My "FIRST" Future' Project

In our Rookie year, we developed a project called My ”FIRST” Future in order to spread the FIRST and STEAM spirit. Within the scope of this project, we visited many schools and organized various activities. We provided Arduino trainings and we did not limit our trainings only to verbal expression. We worked interactively with our little friends on LED lighting with Arduino. Apart from Arduino training, of course, we did not forget to mention FIRST and STEAM. It was impossible not to admire the children’s interest in technology. We both enjoyed and learned.

Thanks to our project, we reached 900+ secondary school students. 93% of the students we reach are willing to participate in the FIRST and STEAM events that we will be organizing.


Our 'Fraternité Entre Les Rookies' Project!

Our aim while doing this project was to meet the Rookie Teams, which are their first year like us, and to exchange information with them and talk about what we have done so far.


Our Tech Talk Project

In our Tech Talk project, we focused on both Charged Up and Women in STEM themes. Why the equality of men and women in the STEM field varies according to geography, we talked about renewable energy and saving. We did interviews and podcasts. We made a big impact in and around our school.

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